Now this was a really fun mini-shoot, I saw this guy waiting outside a store as I was crossing a road, and I asked a friend of mine (Holding the guitars in the background) to wait for me, and ran back to ask him if I could get a few photos, I explained my project, and he gave me the go ahead! I asked him about his photography, he said he was part time photographer, and hobbyist! He was also in town to take photos of the City's harbour festival, and he was really great to talk to! He nudged me in the right direction about background, and he was an all round friendly guy! He also gave me one VERY important tip. ALWAYS enjoy it. Don't do photography and miss the enjoyment, because then it means nothing!
I like these photos actually, I had to turn up contrast fairly high (about 15+ by photoshop's scale) as the sky blended with the man's hair a little, and it still does, but it's relatively fixed! Because of the contrast increase, brightness went up a little as well, and I increased the saturation for a little more "pop" in the photo. The landscape needed some more background blur as the scene was distracting, but I like the outcome!
Thanks for reading, and until next time, Happy photographing!
That's very kind of the man to stop and allow you to photograph for the project. Great photos my man.
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