Monday, 29 August 2011

Skating anyone?

Just come back from a bit of skating, And my legs ache like mad

My skates ------>
Found the picture on Gumtree though xD I didn't take it xD

Do any of you guys rollerskate, long board/skateboard? 

Photo's in this particular post (skating anyone?) were not taken by me,
 No copyright infingment intended :)


only ever tryed to roller skate once. didnt end well lmaooo, wish i could learn :( + followed

Never learned how to skate, but it does look like fun. +followed

you two guys should give it anouther go, and persist, it took me a while, but I love it now :)

I used to roller blade as a kid! I loved it :D I remember I was going to ice skate for the first time a few years ago and was so scared... turns out it was the same as rollerblading! :P

from time to time i skate + following

Never skated before maybe I should try..

I have terrible balance so I'm pretty bad at rollerskating and skateboarding.

I tried to skate, but I'm pseudo handicap and my board is under my bed banking dust...

yeah i used to when i was younger but was very expensive as my feet were still growing xD

i dont remmber how to skate D=, i ike bicycle..

nice post follwing

I like skating... but Ice skating is better

I went ice skating once... and lets just say Im not built for it... Balance was never my thing... Spent more time on my arse than on the skates.

Roller blading was never my forte, I should learn now.

I really liked the last picture.

I long board once in a while then I started to do a bit of rip sticking but stopped cause I got a minor crack on my elbow doing it, lol. I'm gonna try snowboarding this winter :P

Nice skates you have there.

I ice skate. I try to go every week or so when the rink in my town is open.

can't say that i do but that's some serious air

Funnily enough I've never had roller-skates before!

Have been skateboarding though.

Never learnt to skate myself, although I love the aerials and grinds you guys drop. I'm a mtb guy myself but props bro. +followed

Been forever since I bladed. Would hurt myself now.

Augh, it's been ages since I skated... I bet they don't fit anymore.

Sucks, they're expensive to buy new ones.

I used to skate when I was younger. I grew up and I'm too lazy to buy a new pair.

Great pics!

I do skate (rollerblades), but I don't have a pair of those. I never had enough money for those Aggressive rollerblades...

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